Who We Serve
Who We Support:
AME Community Services provides both in-home support services and long-term care services in residential settings. AME Community Services prides itself on providing person centered, consumer directed supports to the people we serve. Our staff are highly skilled in using positive behavior management skills and using a person-centered approach. We offer a variety of support services on a daily basis, including community engagement, therapeutic recreation and leisure activities.
Homes for People with Prader- Willi Syndrome:
Our agency provides services in neighborhood homes specifically designed for people with PWS. Each home has a maximum of four residents. We also provide in-home family supports for children with PWS. We have two homes for people with PWS in Wright County and 8 homes for people with PWS in the metro area. AME Community Services, Inc. provides a highly structured person-centered plan, which involves prescribed diets and tailored exercise and weight management plans. AME provides a membership at a local health club for each home. Our menus have been developed by a dietician and are modified based on individual needs and preferences. Daily calorie amounts are monitored and revised on a regular basis. Behavior management plans are based on our strong commitment to positive programming. Reinforcement systems are in place for frequent recognition of appropriate behavior. AME works with each person served to develop and achieve both long and short term goals aimed at enhancing their quality of life.
Homes in Wright County:
AME Community Services, Inc. provides services and supports for people with a variety of developmental disabilities in the Wright County Area. Each home has a maximum of four residents. AME has 11 residential settings in Wright County. Each home is in a friendly neighborhood location. AME works with each person-served to develop and achieve both long and short term goals aimed at enhancing their quality of life.
In-Home Support Services:
AME Community Services, Inc. provides in-home family support services to families of children with disabilities or adults who live independently. Services are designed to provide training and support to the individual, consultation to caregivers, and in-home family support. AME offers an after-school program to the children they support to work on skills and help them achieve their long and short term goals.
Any of the following services may be considered:
- Assessment
- Habilitation Services
- Coordination of Needed Therapy Services
- Respite Care Coordination
- Assisting in Purchasing of Adaptive Equipment
For further information contact:
Elizabeth McGraw Spike
AME Community Services, Inc.
151 5th Street NE, Suite 104
Buffalo, MN 55313
Telephone: (612) 598-1170
Fax: (320) 286-5321